Plants play an important role in our environment, In our lives, our surroundings.
More than we think…
Plants are one of the important parts of our earth.
Mainly plants provide oxygen to living beings by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis, helps in climate change, helps in preventing air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, plants also supply food directly or indirectly to organisms, they are the natural shelter for wildlife, Plants are natural water filters.Wildlife satisfies our aesthetics. Colorful flowers and plants make us happy. Plants provide advantages to our environment in many ways.
What Plants Provide us?

Plants can be used for many purposes, and they contribute to many properties.
Plants provide us with food, fiber, shelter, medicine, and fuel.
Humans use them in making houses, furniture.
Their wood is used in many ways; wood is used as fuel, it is used in construction, tools and, weapons.
Flowers are used in making perfume and fragrances.
Plants are a great source of protein and nutrition.
Oxygen Provider:

Oxygen is important for humans, animals, and organisms.
Humans and other organisms breathe oxygen to stay alive.
Plants are the main provider of oxygen for humans, animals, and other living organisms in our environment.
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.
One tree produces nearly 260 pounds of oxygen each year.
Plants make the human brain feel relaxed through fresh oxygen.
Ozone gas is made of oxygen.
Climate Change:

Harmful gases in our environment are damaging the ozone layer, making it thinner, which exposes more of the sunlight to the surface of the Earth, which is terrible for the environment.
The atmosphere is getting destructed by air pollutants, which are released by fossil fuels.
Plants consume carbon dioxide and other harmful gases from the atmosphere and store them in their leaves, stems, and roots
And release oxygen in the atmosphere which helps the environment to control climate change.
The Atmosphere is about 21% of the oxygen.
Unfortunately, the process of forests clearance is making the world hard to endure.
Food Provider:

Plants produce their food by absorbing water from the soil and sunlight, then convert it into energy. They take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, convert it all into glucose and starch, their food.
They produce food for themselves and the other living organisms, including humans.
Plants are the major food provider for humans, animals, and other organisms. They supply us with food directly or indirectly.
Living organisms eat plants, or living organisms that eat the other living organisms all depend on plants.
Animals such as deer, rabbits that eat plants are Herbivorous, Animals that hunt and eat the other animals are Carnivorous
And the Organisms which rely on both are Omnivorous.
It is a life cycle. Without plants the life cycle cannot grow.
Natural Shelter for Wildlife:

Plants and trees are the natural habitats for animals, insects, and birds. Plants are the primary home for organisms.
Birds make their nests on the tree branches, squirrels, wild cats, koalas, and many other animals also live in and on the trees.
A large number of animals live in the Amazon rainforest.
Approximately 1.6 billion -about 25% of the world’s population lives in the forests.
The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, home to more than 30 million people and home to 427 mammal species, 1,300 bird species, 378 species of reptiles, and more than 400 species of amphibians.
Unfortunately, the process of Deforestation is making it hard for wildlife to live.
Natural Source of Water Filtration:

Water is also an important part of our ecosystem. It helps the life cycle to develop.
Humans and Animals depend upon water.
One of the primary needs of the environment is Clean Water.
Plants roots take water from the ground and utilize it for energy, then release it in the form of water vapors into the atmosphere. This process is called Transpiration.
After the process of condensation,Water from the rainfall then enter into water bodies’[rivers, canals, lakes, and ocean]
Plants are helping our environment by making the water clean, usable for humans and other organisms.

Plants also contribute to medicine.
Medicine is an important part of our lives. It cures and prevents many diseases. Helps in diagnosing the illness
Plants are been used in medicines even before the prehistoric period,
They are an important source of medicine. There is a big list of plants species that are used in medicines.
Needs of plants:
Plants need light, water, air, nutrient, and time to grow almost all plants rely on these needs.
Sun: is the main source of light for plants.
Plants need sunlight to grow, as plants absorb energy from sunlight.
which help plants convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen.
Plant leaves act as solar panels, they absorb the sunlight and convert it into energy.
Water: Plants take water through their roots and leave to make their food and grow.
Air: Plants absorb air in the form of CO2 to stay alive. It also helps in the making of food
Nutrient: Plants absorb Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorus in the form of nutrients, dissolved in water.

We are producing plenty of waste for our environment, and that is awful. Destroying the plant’s community which will be so damaging
Plants are a big part of our life, and we should start noticing the importance of plants because without them, we will not be able to breathe, there will not be clean water, there will be no food for humans, animals, and other living organisms. It will be so hard to survive on the Earth.
- We should start planting more trees for our environment, plants support life.
- We should recycle our waste
- Reuse things as many times as we can. Before discharging.
- Reduce the use of plastic in our daily life, as it is non-biodegradable.